Scripture Reading - Romans 8:35,37

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. KJV

In our everyday lives we encounter many challenges that try our faith, but it is imperative that we always remember the Love of God. It is through God’s unfailing love that we are “more than conquerors” in Christ Jesus. To be a conqueror is good but to be “more than a conqueror” is great. When the Apostle Paul writes to us that we are “more than conquerors” it has significant meaning because the Apostle Paul overcame many life-threatening obstacles. All the various hardships and challenges mentioned in verse 35 were personally experienced by Paul. Not only did the Apostle live through the negative circumstances he also overcame them consistently. As Believers we should remember our heritage of faith recognizing we come from a long line of champions. The servants of God overcame in the Old Testament just like the saints of the New Testament overcome by the Blood of the Lamb. We all have obstacles set before us and we all have an opponent arrayed against us that has influence in this world. However, we have no biblical reason to fear obstacles because the Word of God is our answer. Likewise, we have no biblical reason to fear our opponent in this world because the weapon of the Name of Jesus has already defeated our adversary. This fact of God’s Word sounds to good to be true but it is God’s truth for all Christians. Remember God can not lie, but His children must adopt this truth into their heart to make it a reality in their life. All Christians should know with all confidence that they are “Overcomers” in Christ Jesus. Yes, not only “Overcomers” but “more that conquerors” through Jesus which means you are a victorious Child of God. We are counseled by these scriptures to understand that God’s love is the main ingredient of this victory. Some will say, “Using the faith of God is what gives the Christian his victory”. We (ihlcc) will say, “Yes, and Amen!” However, also note that faith works by love. It is this revelation of God’s Love that will keep you steady on the waters of trouble and keep you standing in the midst of storms. God’s perfect love cast out fear and the absence of fear is a sure sign of a conqueror. Realize dear Saint of God that the Lord is always with us and His great power, wisdom and love inside of us is what makes us “more than conquerors” in Jesus Christ. Amen!